“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
These wise words of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin remind us of our undiscovered spiritual depth. We have many opportunities to become aware of and to continue to emerge into the sacred mystery we are: a seed of Incomprehensible Mystery.
In Coming Home to Self, Barbara Pierce MacDonald embraces this philosophy and uses ordinary events of her own life's journey as examples. Her book illuminates ways we can enhance our fullness of life, joy, compassion, and loving-kindness and find inner peace.
"Every spiritual journey is a uniquely personal experience, but never a private one. Barbara MacDonald realizes the Spirit is a blessing to be shared. Reading her story is like having a cozy fireside conversation with a good friend. She offers precious guidance as she encourages and inspires the reader to recognize the world has been saturated with Spirit." —Joseph Mitchell, CP, Passionist Earth & Spirit Center, Louisville, Kentucky
"A kind of 'soul sickness' descends upon each one of us from time to time. Trials and tribulations are a part of life. All too often, we are coached to 'adapt and overcome.' Sages throughout human history have illuminated a different path: turning inward and cultivating stillness. With this elegant book, Barbara Pierce MacDonald reminds us of the hard-won lessons of acceptance, wholeness and grace." —Tori Murden McClure, author of A Pearl in the Storm
"The jigsaw is a useful spiritual metaphor for our time. As our worldview expands and information technology advances, we are daily confronted with piecing together a range of new ideas, possibilities, and understandings. Where they fit, and how they fit, into the jigsaw of life is a personal and spiritual challenge for which books like Barbara Pierce MacDonald's Coming Home to Self provide valuable wisdom and insight. A timely resource to nurture and sustain us on our journey." —Diarmuid O'Murchu, MSC, author of God in the Midst of Change
"Even in the midst of challenges, Barbara MacDonald articulates in a simple way the paradoxical reality of a profound 'okayness' in life found at the center and in the stillness of our true Self." —Richard Rohr, OFM, Center for Action and Contemplation, Albuquerque, New Mexico
About the Author
Barbara Pierce MacDonald is a past president of the National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers; former executive director of the Center for Family Ministries, Archdiocese of Louisville, KY; founder/facilitator of Mustard Seed Seminars and Retreats; and has a master's degree in religious studies. She is married, has three married sons and four grandchildren.
For more information, visit: www.BarbaraMacDonald.net.