After the ink dries on the divorce decree, how can fathers remain active and relevant in their kids' lives? After his own divorce, author Steve Adams decided he wanted a more meaningful role in the lives of his children. He turned around his priorities, focused on parenting, and established a set of principles. They worked for him. He believes they'll work for any divorced father.
"Being a committed father isn't rocket science," Adams says. "It's much harder. Are you ready to take this on?"
"It's difficult enough being a parent in an age when the children we raise are distracted more than ever before. Whether we're talking television, smart phones, or social media, our parenting skills are constantly being put to the test. Add in the fact that some kids are being raised by two separate households, and the daily challenge becomes immense. Steve's book is straight from the heart, on lessons he's learned and applied, for helping you be the best father you can be."
—Chris Mack, Head Coach, University of Louisville Men's Basketball
"The greatest journey I have ever undertaken is fatherhood after divorce. It has been filled with many unforeseen blessings, as well as difficulties I could never have imagined. In this book, Steve lays out an inspiring path that has challenged me, shown me what I am already doing well, and given me hope and confidence that I can still grow into the best possible dad that I can be for my two beautiful daughters. This book is a lighthouse for anyone navigating the treacherous waters of fatherhood during and beyond divorce. Thank you, Steve!"
—Peter Buecker, MD
About the Author
Steve Adams lives in Louisville, Kentucky, with his dog, Jack, and, as much as possible, with his children, Rachel and Carter. Rachel is a nursing student at Western Kentucky University, and Carter is a high school student in Louisville.
When Steve isn't doing his full-time job, he's a successful real estate agent. But his main occupation, for the past 10 years, has been as a father to his children after his divorce. It has become his new definition of success.
For more information about Now What? or to contact Steve to schedule a workshop, speaking engagement, or book signing: